IISAR is the name of a mission to be accomplished, a goal to be achieved, a dream to come true, dream of our Honorable Chairman Prof. (Dr.) Ahmad Saleem Siddiqui
Giving Eyes to the Nation through Education. Let the youth of this nation stand tall & compete the worlds Challenges facing all hardships & tortures exams firmly, lit up their lives while extinguishing darkness of illiteracy.
With the blow of real spirit of education & conceptual learning we aim to create awareness of the real motto of life, We hope that in coming future a change in society will occur when our youth will lead to a purposeful life as they will be understanding the secret of a peaceful society, a society based upon love, care, peace, sharing and this all would be possible only when the real aspect of education would be applied in practical life. So, there is a definite need to set up an improved, up to date & revolutionary Education system under guidance of Revelation, to educate the nation in order to save national, moral and social values from the collapse. As education enables them to get into their own selves, to recognize themselves & open doors of success leading towards their Lord.
The dream came true in 1991 when IISAR was established with the same motto and enthusiasm, to nurture the souls by providing 21st century compatible education. IISAR Started its journey towards the accomplishment of its mission, with an ambition to impart & promote high Class (Unique) Standard education irrespective of differences believing in the slogan